Right before I went on my trip to the Middle East (Lebanon, Jordan & Syria) I went to the ARMANI Aqua for Life Press Event that was hosted in Munich. It was actually pretty interesting because they had the head of “Green Cross” there to hold a speach about the leck of drinking water in Afrika and how Armani is supporting the Project “Aqua for Life” with their perfume Aqua di Gioia.

We all got one 50ml Aqua di Gioia perfume with a code that one could reveal by scratching it free so we all were asked to build our own Facebook Group and were able to give 100 Liter right away!! You can also join mine and help collecting water for the people in Africa!

Giorgio Armani 50 ml Aqua di Gioia Perfume = 100 L of clear drinkin Water!

they had laptops set us for us to found or own Facebook group to collect more water!

it is so easy to donate some water so please all help me: click, like and become members

Every single Aqua di Gioia Armani Perfume that is sold in stores will give automatically 100 (!!) Liters of fresh drinkable water to the Kids in Afrika and if you join the facebook group you give 10 Liters by “liking” and “commenting” you spend 1 Liter so just take a little time and klick to help.
Luísa xx
P.S.: I made sure to get one original 50 ml Aqua di Gioia Perfume for you guys to win (soon this week!) and maybe also to build your own group and help the children and -of course- also to smell good 😉
P.P.S.: More parfume reveals will follow soon in the beauty category on my blog.
thats nice of them to donate money to a worthy cause.
Wow finde ich super 🙂 Der Mantel ist übrigens von Zara 🙂 Cool das du eine Reise in den mittleren Osten machst, hat das bestimme Gründe (Familie, etc)? Oder nur Urlaub 🙂 Liebe Grüße 🙂
Ja, in der Karibik wars toll 🙂
Hm, Tips für Santo Domingo? Wir haben eine große Runde in der Stadt gedreht, aber bevor ich alles nochmal schreibe: Mein Freund hat auf seinem Blog einen sehr ausführlichen Artikel über unseren Tag in Santo Domingo geschrieben, mit Bildern und so. 😉
Ansonsten sind überall in der Stadt sehr viele billige Schuhläden 🙂 Hab ein Paar für 3€ gekauft und die Qualität ist echt nicht schlecht! Dann schonmal viel Spaß in der Karibik!
ist ne klasse aktion! muss mal zur parfumerie…wenn mir der duft gefällt, nehm ich auf jeden fall teil! greetz Kristy
It’s an amazing event!! Bimba&Lola is amazing, has great stuff and not that expensive, check their website
No, there is no Primark in Amsterdam. But there is one in a place near Amsterdam (you have to take the train tough), there is a Primark in Hoofddorp. And one in Rotterdam (where I live). 😉
Don’t you have any Primarks in your country?
really great!!
awesome post…=P
follow u honey!!!!
Very nice….great Post 😉
of course it’s a nice idea to bundle the purchase of a perfume with the delivery of drinking water, but I always doubt their “mercy”. If Amarni just want to provide water to kids in africa they should just do it, instead of bundle it to their products. 🙂
Here’s the answer to your question on you upcoming trip to Santo Domingo, Republica Dominikana/Carribean you mentioned in killerwal.com/2011/03/23/tag-3-%E2%80%93-santo-domingo-parque-colon-catedral-primada-de-america-plaza-espana-faro-a-colon/
I would never recommend to you renting a car. The quality of avaible cars is rather questionable and as you didn’t grew up in this county you will a lack of “aggressness” to manage to traffic.
Don’t ever espect anything else the right of strongest bumper or the loudest honk. Also in the capital of the Domincian Republic all traffic lights are more a nice decoration than guidelines. In additionally you’ll find yourself in great problems while finding a parking lot where you leave your car without risking scratches or the theft of major parts.
I’m more convinced of using the gua-gua minivans, offering you a nice means of transportation for just 1 or 2 bucks (aprox. 120 pesos). Free music and heavy aircon included.
Nevermind, I didn’t find a proove of any crimes or dangerous behaviour adressing tourist, also I was adviced two times to put my large dslr camera away, as it could attract thieves or attracting bored people to just knock you down. But if you stay in the “zona colonial”-area in downtown Santo Domingo, the tourist police (a.k.a POLITUR) will protect you.
By the way, most pictures on my travel-blog http://www.killerwal.com where taken with my 3y old Canon EOS 400D. Commom lens is my Tamron 17-50mm VC, wide angle shots are taken with the Tamron 10-24mm.
Recently I’m using in addition the Canon 50mm f1.8 prime lens for beauty fotografy and low light situations.
toller blog + photos ♥
hab dich sofort verfolgt 🙂
ich würde mich sehr freuen dich als leserin zu haben :*
ne leider nicht 🙂
danke ♥
Aqya di goia smells soo good! if you got a little time, please give your opinion about mine too x
That seems like it would have been a really interesting event to attend! It’s great that companies help raise awareness, even if they plug their product while they’re at it!